viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015


Ahora disfrutemos de un articulo maravilloso de nuestra directora académica Camila Buitrago. No tengas miedo, y comparte tus experiencias

Writers all around the world share the same fear ´´the white page´´ and that feeling is maybe the same one you faced when your teacher announced our new project: Green Light Spot.

Well, we don´t mean to terrify you, we just want you to discover the incredible knowledge you have very inside of you. We are trying to get your best out. We want that you learn to use your creativity by writing anything that makes you happy.
The white page is there for you, as an unconditional friend just waiting for your inspiration. And guess what? Your writing doesn´t need to make sense, even better if it doesn´t! Literature is full of amazing nonsense novels than invite you to explore other worlds and free your mind. Alice in Wonderland, for example! Think about it, I´m sure you find it interesting.

Dear students, don´t feel afraid of writing. Remember, anything you imagine can exist if you mix letters and put them on a white page. In the case you need help for getting started; I recommend you this website where nonsense random ideas will come to you just with a click. 

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