martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Teaching with the heart. By: Teacher Leidy Becerra

With the new technological era, it is important to know that most of the knowledge that students get is not from the classroom. Being a good teacher that motivates students to learn and feel comfortable in that space is not an easy task.

It is relevant to have guides that love what they do, but even more important is that students get even a small percentage of the learning that teachers present in class, which would mean the guidance from the teacher is worth it.

Nowadays, to have knowledge about the English language is very important, not just to communicate our ideas in another language, but also to understand the instructions of many technological machines that surround us. That is why we as teachers need to implement some strategies to make students love English class, especially when they are starting their school life.

Like everybody says, children are the future of our country, and teachers are one of the most important part of our life. If a teacher is a good guide and tutor, the student will feel motivated to learn, and English would become an important part of their life.

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