viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Managing Multi Level Groups

Nuestra profesora Laura Castañeda nos escribe un artículo muy interesante. Invitamos a todos a que lo lean y lo compartan. Green light nos llena de mucho conocimiento. Que esperas para publicar.

Always it is a challenge to work with groups, even more when the students have different levels in it. In my experience, the best you can do is to balance the students’ abilities. If there is a shy student, you can pair him/her with an outgoing student who enjoys participating during class.

Also in the class, all topics introduced must be free of judgments. It is necessary to talk about everything without discriminating and making students discuss between them. You shouldn’t try to impose your ideas as a teacher. Besides all the opinions are valid when they are well argued, thus you create an atmosphere of ideas and positive criticism about the most quotidian to deeper situations.

This is a method called the Socratic Method in which you don’t give answers to your students but questions. Sometimes teachers are seen as the answer to everything overall in language classes but what if we leave our students to explore by themselves the language and their own learning, by comparing, questioning and transforming?

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