lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015


Nuestra academia esta llena de muchísimo talento, por eso te presentamos a Heliana, quien comparte con nosotros su talento, cantando esta canción tan hermosa de "Los Beatles". Disfruta y relájate un poco.
Qué esperas para mostrarnos también tu talento, te estamos esperando.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Green Light students

Nuestra alumna Luz Marina Sanchez junto a la profesora Ángela nos demuestran que no hay límites de edad para aprender inglés. Inscribete para que tu seas el próximo protagonista de nuestros videos.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015



jueves, 30 de abril de 2015


Ahora vamos a disfrutar un tip muy importante, la profesora Marcela nos habla acerca de la voz pasiva. Que esperas para aprender más con green light :)

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015


La profesora Leidy nos enseña acerca de los tipos de Cognados y algunos ejemplos. Disfruta con nosotros y aprende cada día mucho más. 

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015


La profesora Maria Camila nos enseña a diferenciar algunos verbos y sustantivos. Sigue aprendiendo junto con nosotros y envíanos tus sugerencias y preguntas sobre algún tema de inglés o francés. 

martes, 21 de abril de 2015


La profesora Maria Camila nos enseña a diferenciar la pronunciación de algunos verbos y sustantivos.
Aprende con nosotros estos grandiosos tips :)

martes, 7 de abril de 2015


Que interesante que nuestros estudiantes se entusiasmen y no solo con escritos sino también con vídeos nos dejen ver sus intereses y obviamente su gusto por el inglés. Yeison nos comparte un video muy bonito de su mascota Tauro, pero no más charla y vamos a ver el video :)

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015


Con menos de dos meses, el blog de Green light ha llegado a más de mil visitas, te invitamos a que nos sigas visitando y principalmente a que formes parte del blog con tus escritos o tus comentarios.

Less than two months and Green light blog already has more than a thousand visits. We invite you to visit it and specially to be part of this with your articles or comments.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015


Disfrutemos de un artículo muy interesante que nos presenta nuestra querida profesora Ángela Hurtado. Ella nos muestra que la creatividad es parte fundamental en el aprendizaje de cualquier tema.

Have you ever made some of this?

Have you ever wondered where does origami come from? Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. It literally translates as ori (folding) gami (paper). Well, this technique really could help you to develop important skills in the pedagogical field. According to (Ho, 2002), origami activities will open the class to different learning modes such as kinesthetic and visual auditory.

Some others educational benefits o are: behavioral skills, cooperative learning, a link to math, cognitive development, multi-cultural awareness, community building.

 The idea is to introduce the vocabulary that students will need when making origami, complex words and expressions might take a little longer.  Teachers, will be evaluating students’ comprehension by examining the final process. While students work on their funny projects, they get immersed into the foreign language.

Teachers, who have identified students with problems paying attention, can use this technique as a strategy for them to follow instructions. Origami also helps to show to the students that making mistakes is part of the process and that also sometimes those mistakes let to explore happy discoveries.

Our students in green light are already exploring this magic world of folding paper. Here we have one example. This is Natalia, she is nine and she had a really good time exploring this technique. She is really good at this, isn´t she? Now it is your turn… 

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015


Qué alegría poder compartir en nuestro blog artículos de invitados especiales como Matthew Kors, un turista  que nos cuenta sobre su experiencia en éste gran país Colombia. Disfrutemolo y que este sea un espacio para que reflexionemos y amemos muchísimo más a nuestro país.

I got the joy of traveling to Colombia in 2014 for Christmas and New Years. I came to see my fiancé and meet her family. What a fantastic experience.  Colombia is very different from the United States, but in very good ways.  For example, the people in Colombia were all so very friendly and welcoming.  Everywhere we went I was always made to feel very welcome, everyone made sure I was comfortable and entertained.  
Leidy’s family was so funny and joyous.  And that is the main difference I notice in Colombians versus people from the United States, Colombians know how to enjoy life to the fullest.  People from the United States are mostly friendly and welcoming, but not so much as in Colombia. 

My second most favorite thing, after the people in Colombia, was definitely the food.  Food is so fantastic in Colombia.  Everything is so fresh and tastes amazing.  In the United States, most food is shipped so it has been frozen or been stored for a short period of time and preserved.  In Colombia, everything was picked or baked or killed very recent to when I ate it.  The meat was phenomenal, the fruit was like I have never had in my life, and the bread, cookies, and cakes were so tasty.  I miss the food a lot when I am home in the United States.


I am so glad I have had the joy to visit Colombia. I am even happier that I will be getting to visit many many more times in the future. Colombia  is an amazing and beautiful country with outstanding people and incredible food.  

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Managing Multi Level Groups

Nuestra profesora Laura Castañeda nos escribe un artículo muy interesante. Invitamos a todos a que lo lean y lo compartan. Green light nos llena de mucho conocimiento. Que esperas para publicar.

Always it is a challenge to work with groups, even more when the students have different levels in it. In my experience, the best you can do is to balance the students’ abilities. If there is a shy student, you can pair him/her with an outgoing student who enjoys participating during class.

Also in the class, all topics introduced must be free of judgments. It is necessary to talk about everything without discriminating and making students discuss between them. You shouldn’t try to impose your ideas as a teacher. Besides all the opinions are valid when they are well argued, thus you create an atmosphere of ideas and positive criticism about the most quotidian to deeper situations.

This is a method called the Socratic Method in which you don’t give answers to your students but questions. Sometimes teachers are seen as the answer to everything overall in language classes but what if we leave our students to explore by themselves the language and their own learning, by comparing, questioning and transforming?

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015


Ahora deleitemos con un hermoso articulo de nuestra estudiante de nivel básico de inglés Alejita.
Que hermoso cuando nuestros estudiantes también tienen esa conciencia ciudadana.

My name is Alejandra Merchan. I am 15 years old and I like dogs that are big. For example I would like to have a boxer or a pitbull, because they are strong, docile, powerful and intimidating.    These dogs are discriminated because of their breed, however, they are lovely. They can become a good company, if you treat them like normal dogs
I feel sorry for the dogs on the streets. For this reason I want to form a canine institution where you can adopt these dogs and they can get a home in which they will have affection, love and protection.
I am against people who mistreat dogs; because even if dogs cannot speak, when you hurt them, they feel the same pain as you would feel if someone hurt you.  Similar to humans, dogs deserve respect because they are living things as well.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015


Ahora disfrutemos de un articulo maravilloso de nuestra directora académica Camila Buitrago. No tengas miedo, y comparte tus experiencias

Writers all around the world share the same fear ´´the white page´´ and that feeling is maybe the same one you faced when your teacher announced our new project: Green Light Spot.

Well, we don´t mean to terrify you, we just want you to discover the incredible knowledge you have very inside of you. We are trying to get your best out. We want that you learn to use your creativity by writing anything that makes you happy.
The white page is there for you, as an unconditional friend just waiting for your inspiration. And guess what? Your writing doesn´t need to make sense, even better if it doesn´t! Literature is full of amazing nonsense novels than invite you to explore other worlds and free your mind. Alice in Wonderland, for example! Think about it, I´m sure you find it interesting.

Dear students, don´t feel afraid of writing. Remember, anything you imagine can exist if you mix letters and put them on a white page. In the case you need help for getting started; I recommend you this website where nonsense random ideas will come to you just with a click. 

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


Este es uno de los mejores artículos que hemos tenido, queremos felicitar a la estudiante Diana Sanchez por tan maravilloso aporte. Forma parte de este blog también y envianos tus escritos :)

When I walk in the street in a sunny day, I see the people in rush.  I would like to sit down in any park over mountains made up of trash, where the children run all around them.

Then, I would like to go for a coffee in a place where nobody says hello or thank you or welcome.  A lovely place of unpolite people.

Water­? Who needs it? Reusing materials? What is that for?
The water in the planet will be there for us always, and reusing is not necessary!
We can buy new staff. It is easier!



martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Teaching with the heart. By: Teacher Leidy Becerra

With the new technological era, it is important to know that most of the knowledge that students get is not from the classroom. Being a good teacher that motivates students to learn and feel comfortable in that space is not an easy task.

It is relevant to have guides that love what they do, but even more important is that students get even a small percentage of the learning that teachers present in class, which would mean the guidance from the teacher is worth it.

Nowadays, to have knowledge about the English language is very important, not just to communicate our ideas in another language, but also to understand the instructions of many technological machines that surround us. That is why we as teachers need to implement some strategies to make students love English class, especially when they are starting their school life.

Like everybody says, children are the future of our country, and teachers are one of the most important part of our life. If a teacher is a good guide and tutor, the student will feel motivated to learn, and English would become an important part of their life.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015


By Heliana Niño

I do not need to learn English. I have everything solved. I am a lawyer, I am married with an amazing man and we have a beautiful daughter.   In my job, I do not need to know another language. I can say that in my life everything is fine. Thank God.

However, a few months ago, I remembered one my dreams:  to learn English. When I was younger I wanted to speak English fluently.  I wanted to accomplish simple tasks such as: to read a lot of books in original version and forage newspapers or magazines, I wanted travel and to know the world all by myself, whit my eyes! But the time elapsed and wonderful things happened in my life and that dream simply vanished.    

My first reaction to that memory was: “It is so late. I do not have time and do not need it”. But in said to me I felt frustrated. Fortunately he was there, my best friend, my support, my husband. He said to me “you can do it, I know”. A few days ago, I decided do it. His words gave me wings to fly after my dream.

I found the way to English. I met Camila and she brought me to Green Light Institute. I started three weeks ago and retook my English lessons. I know is not easy by will do it with discipline and constancy. Now is the time to face my fears, is the time to turn my dream in reality.

Every day you and I, we make decisions, from the most simple to the most important ones. We have the power of choose. We are free to decide what we want to be and do: you can choose for healthy living, eat in a balance way an exercise or have disorganized life; you can decide which carrier you want to study; to be single or to get married; you can decide believe in God and live in his love or let him behind; you decide to be happy or not; you can decide to pursue your dreams or forget them. The results of all our decisions determine and define us as a person.

What about you? Do you have a dream? It does not matter if is a big or small dream. You can decide turn it in reality. Just do it. 

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015


Nuestros profesores también se animaron a escribir. Este es un espacio para que todo el mundo participe, ya sea en el idioma inglés o Francés.

Prof : Stefany Espitia Guerrero

La liberté est une question difficile dans la salle de classe. C’est une question plus difficile quand on va enseigner  parce que le professeur doit « obtenir » un comportement ou une attitude  favorable de la part d’étudiant.

 La discipline imposée,  le  moyenne plus facile, obtient des résultats immédiats grâce á la peur, la soumission et la dépendance mais pour développer l’autonomie d’étudiant démontre l’inefficacité pour aider l’enfant  á construire un élément clé d’une personnalité accomplie et d’une vie heureux : la liberté. Difficile de former, ainsi, personnes créatifs, autonomes et indépendants.

Pour cette raison,  Green Light  est un club nouveau où l'objectif n'est pas d'apprendre simplement la langue à travers des classes, mais aussi de développer un projet culturelle qui promouvoir l'usage de l'Anglais dans la ville de Tunja. Ce lieu, c’est un rêve: un centre interactif  innovateur avec belles espaces  pour développer ateliers pratiques comme un cinéma, un karaoké et des activités en plein air, vraiment,  c'est un lieu de portes ouvertes pour tout public où n'importe quelle personne peut avoir une interaction avec la langue.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015



Soocer is the biggest sport of the planet. It has many teams around the world. It always gives something to talk about. For instance, the exciting world cup in Brazil the last year -2014-.
Every day, we got news from different stadiums Brazil. Our Colombian team was present after 16 years of absence.

The most important game was played in Rio de Janeiro, between Germany and Argentina. The same final game happened in 1986 and this time.


martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Now let´s read about what one of our students think about english learning. 

By Luz Marcela Torres Morales

Nowadays, speaking English is very important for getting a job. If you know how to speak English, many doors will open. The first step is to make the decision of learning this foreign language; the second one is to face the difficulties and challenges. In my case, I find very hard to talk fluently because of my lack of vocabulary, I don´t understand when I listen and the people talk very fast.

As a student of English, I invite everybody to make the decision  of studying  English. As advice; practicing and learning a lot of vocabulary   in that way, you will overcome the obstacles in the English path by reading books and looking up the new words. It is also a good idea to keep a record of your vocabulary. On the other hand, you can improve your listening skill by listening to the same audio many times until you understand better than the first time.

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015


Pour: Carmenza Cuadrado

 Moniquirá est admiré pour ses paysages, son climat et son nourriture. Son paysage est impressionnant, il y a des montagnes, des cascades, des piscines et des chemins exubérants. Sa nature est magnifique !

Son nourriture est délicieux, LE MUTE est le plat typique, mais Moniquirá est connue pour El BOCADILLO, c’est le meilleure dessert de la Colombie. Finalement, son climat  est chaud et il est parfait pour les vacances. J’adore les vacances !

Je suis Carmenza Cuadrado et je suis née dans Móniquirá où les personnes sont gentilles, aimables et chaleureux. Je les invite parce qu’il est  le village plus heureux de Boyacá.


Muy bien Santiago Salazar por compartir con nosotros sobre tu banda favorita. Esperamos que muchos escuchen esta canción o más,  y también nos compartan sobre su experiencia.

Green day is my favorite band, thanks to them I met a new world in music, ¨rock¨. They more than being a rock band, they have being and will be my company in times of loneliness because with their songs always I find peace.

My favorite song is ¨wake me up, when September ends¨. It was my favorite because it was the first I heard from them. I’m very thankful with this band. 

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015


Yeison nos cuenta sobre su experiencia con el idioma inglés, que esperas para publicar y contarnos sobre tu experiencia también. Arriesgate!!!!!!

I never liked English in school. But two years ago, after my placement test, I started to like it. Now, I enjoy learning English and I feel good when I practice it. I like English because is good to learn another language.
However, English is difficult sometimes. For example, some words are similar when you pronounce them, although they change a lot when you write them. In my case WORK and WALK are pronounce quite similar.  Also, for me, vowels sound different every time.

Finally I would like to recommend to those who want to learn English to motivate yourselves with a goal and do your best.

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015


Estudiante de inglés.

Videogames world start in 1975, with just one box, after 10 years the video game industry grew until the point that all people wanted one box. In that moment companies end up winning two billion dollars each year, but after some time the companies had problems with the market inflation and they start to create games in 6 weeks.
For this reason they lost many fans and the industry almost disappear, but a man safe the industry with ¨MARIO¨ games

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015



Sigue el ejemplo de Lorena y escribe sobre tu lugar de nacimiento o algún otro tema. Todos los artículos son importantes :)

Zetaquira is located in the south of Boyacá, it is my hometown. Zetaquira is warm but sometimes cold like Tunja.
If you visit Zetaquira, I show you ´´El ocho´´ this is a swimming pool with an eight shape.
Or we can go to ´´El arcoiris´´ in this place, there are two pools, one for adults and other for kids. There is also a restaurant, a disco and there are cabins and´´tejo´´ fields.
 If you don´t like swim, you can visit the lagoons ´´Hormigas y Patanoa´´ you can go with your family and have a picnic or take a boat in the lagoon. Don´t swim, it´s dangerous!

In the center, there is a bar ´´La Colina Campestre´´ you can dance. In the park, you can eat ice-cream. My favorite is vanilla.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015


Andrés Forero, un estudiante de nivel básico de inglés, nos presenta su primer corto escrito.
Tu también puedes, ANIMATE. 

Her name is Ángela, she lives with her parents in a town called Gachantivá. She plays soccer with friends. she has black eyes and we are a couple for four months. She studies in Gachantivá but her parents live in Tunja.

She is very kind and friendly. She is very beautiful and she loves chocolate and walk in the morning.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015


Green Light presenta su nueva sección: Now It's Your Turn, donde podrás comprobar que hablar inglés es muy fácil. Valentina y Camila nos enseñarán un inglés práctico y divertido